IME – Immersion Mining Enclosure

Eliminates HEAT AND NOISE and boosts PROFITS BY 30%

Get in touch with us to schedule your visit to our facilities and see for yourself!

Our IME accommodates UP TO 3 Antminer S19’s/T19’s/S17’s/T17’s as well as Avalon 1126 Pro / 1166 Pro or Whatsminer M31S+.
It can also accommodate up to 6 Antminer S9’s, in cases where electricity cost still allows for usage of this model and several others like Zmasters etc…

Comfort and privacy:
– No more high decibel and high pitch noise
– No more overheating of the surrounding space
– No dust in the machines and no more oxidation of the components

– No need to do maintenance to the machines
– Restart the miners without unplugging them, thanks to the remote control function of the integrated switchboard.
– Remote assistance within 24h
– In loco assistance within 72h (Portugal only)

– No more fire hazard (immersion liquid is not inflammable)
– Electric protection given by the integrated switchboard

– 30 to 40% more hashpower with the safe overclocking
– Increased lifespan of the components (machines last 3x longer)
– Few to none errors when starting the boards
– Much smoother operation, much better uptime


Here is an example from one of our client’s operation:
– ProductNow Immersion Mining Enclosure with 3 S17’s (53TH version).
– Each machine is operating with the Hive software set to the 75TH profile (22TH extra, ~42% more)
This results in a gain of 66TH in the 3 machines, which amounts to more than a 4th machine would!
All of this happening with chip temperatures well under 80ºC !!!

Pricing starts at 3500€+VAT
Cooler adds 1000€.
Mineral oil adds 300€.

Payment terms: 50% advance & 50% against deliver
5% discount on orders fully paid in advance
Lead time is currently 25-45 days
depending on the version.

Fill the form bellow to get in touch with us.

You can alternatively send an email to

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